Frequently Asked Questions
  • What does RANA stand for? +

    Rockbridge Area Network Authority
  • Where is pricing for your services? +

    Pricing for services on RANA is provided by Service Providers. You can go to Service Providers to get information about each Service Provider, their services, and prices or you can fill out a connection request form. If you fill out the form, the Service Providers will contact you to explain their services and prices.
    Service Providers . Connect Request Form
  • What additional services are available? +

    Today RANA Service Providers offer high speed access to the internet and all of the available information and resources found there. Your computers, TV’s, DVRs, and other devices can get to the internet with the speed they need to work best. RANA Service Providers can also configure metro ethernet service to connect your different business locations together on a common network.

    RANA also offers a CoLocation center with state-of-the-art facilities to house your servers and back office systems. Your business can now do continuous backup off-site and/or establish a Business Continuity Plan.
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